

Media-front cover empire magazine
          The  masthead is at the top of the magazine it reads "empire"this is the name of the magazine. It is night red which is one of the house colours of empire this makes it look more like a brand but also the red is very striking. It's at the top of the magazine so it's easily identified but also is in a much bigger font than the other writing on the front cover this makes it easily noticeable to to the customer. Using Red I would say it could be more of a female colour however I would say the type of magazine will apply to both genders.
          The primary image  is Megan Fox who is a famous actress posing very sexy, this would appeal and grab the attention more of male genders or it could appeal to women who just like megan fox as an actress. The photo is taken to make it look like she is looking straight at the audience whatever angle they look at her, this is caked mode of address it can be used to try and persuade the customer to buy it. The camera shot is a long shot it means you can see all of the actress in her sexy pose but it's still close enough that her face can be recognised identified. There is an anchorage which reads "megan fox"  this gives the meaning that the image is floating, it also shows the audience what the picture is about.
          The colours used are the three main colours (house styles) used in all the magazines, using these colours constantly through out the magazine makes it look professional but also gives the audience the sense of it being a brand and so can be identified easier on the shelves in a shop if someone was to want to find it. Also using only three colours means it's not over the top it's just the limit. The colours used are very mixed with there connotations the three colours used are red, blue and white red is seen as possibly more as a female colour as it can be seen to represent love where blue is more of a masculine colour and then white is just neutral. So using there mixture of female and male colours it can appeal to a much more mixed audience the white is just a neutral colour.
          The unique selling point of the magazine is is using the megan fox in a sexy pose saying that "meet 20 megastars and have lunch with megan fox" straight away  male genre would be very interested because she's s very sexy actress and they have the chance to meet her and then the way she is posing as well is almost teasing the male audience. Where as women that really like megan fox as an actress might wan a finally meet her but also possibly have the chance to meet some other celebrities as well.
          If the primary image/ leas doesn't appeal to the customer then there are also other secondary images/ leads, this secondary image is about three exclusives  stories, they put these secondary stories in so customers mow that what there buying doesn't just contain what it has on the front cover but also other interesting stories inside the magazine.


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