

Vibe powerpoint

To get a rough idea of what I was going to create I started an analysis on Vibe magazine, during my research I looked at the front page, contents page and double page spread but I als looked at the colours, the photos the layout etc to help me design my magazine.

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Research for 6th form magazine

Research sixth form magazines
·         Go on internet and find sixth form magazines (e.g.
·         Has to be sixth form magazine! Could be college.
·         Has to be aimed at sixth formers but also written by sixth formers.
·         Looking for ideas to:  -content & style.

Market research
·         Short questionnaire given to sixth formers to find out about what they want from a sixth form magazine (e.g. lots of competitions, sport scores etc.)
·         Colour schemes
·         Price of magazine?? – if no price how will be funded e.g. advertising
·         Magazine to inform or explain

Sixth form magazines - * has information on certain students and achievements.
                                                *Different topics about the school e.g. sport, music etc.
                                                *Lots of images about that topic.
                                                * News on certain events coming up e.g. charity fundraising. - * Very bright attractive colours
                                                *includes some of the news which has happened
                                                *advertises mew products which have been released
                                                *some of the news around the school with images
                                                *has advise e.g. how to overcome A level exam stress.
                                                *Has up to date news on celebrities
                                                *A few entertaining questionnaires
                                                *Calendar with all latest events for that month. - *Introduction about the school
                                               *Information on school e.g.  Different events- young enterprise
                                               *about all the different lesson and information on them.
                                               *Information on the sixth form

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Plan for 6th form magazine

Plan for 6th form magazine
-mid shot of group of students by the school all talking and engaging in a conversation
- a student participating in a school sport.
-A few students looking directly at the camera with a backdrop of the school.
Results of questionnaire-  Question 1- most people answered they wanted the sixth form magazine to contain school info, lots of images and news.
Question 2- the most popular answer was they read magazines for entertainment and information.
Question 3- The majority of people answered they wanted yes to colour and yes to images.
Question 4 everyone except one person wanted the magazine to have the magazine published once a month.
Question 5 There was a very mixed answer of how much they would be prepared to pay for the magazine ranging from nothing to £0.50 to £1.
What the front cover will contain. -Primary image
-Secondary images with secondary leads
-House colours
Contents page (not in order)-Photo shoot of results day
-Interview of someone
-Part time jobs, advice on CV’s and where to apply etc- pg 6
-Help on revision etc
-Latest sports scores with school and in professional leagues
-Advice on subjects to choose for A level, GCSE etc-
-Fashion tips including new clothes out and celebrity fashion
-Music charts
-Events coming up with school and in Brentwood
-Latest important news in the world and in school
-Competitions to win prizes e.g. vouchers for shops
-Gossip in celebrity world
-Information about the school e.g. average grades, lessons, new teachers etc.
Different texts-Calibri
Bauhaus 93
Edwardian script ITC
Monotype corsiva
Times new roman. Ideas for name-The weekly mez
-The meztroplitan intellect
-The potential
-The MEZ

Colours (only 3 can be chosen) -Blue (dark)

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My magazine analysis

My magazine analysis
            After finally finishing my magazine I have looked at it and found some things that went really well and other things that didn’t go well. I felt the things that went well or what I was happy with was the colours I used, the different variety of choices in the contents, I felt there was good and bad things on the font and the layout. I thought the colour that was used and the colour of the font complemented each other really well because of the different contrast and also made it easy to read. I think some of the font was good like the font I used on the contents telling the reader what to expect because it was bold and easy to read. Also I felt I had a good variety of different choice that would appeal to both genders but also the intended age for sixth formers. As well as that I felt my layout of the magazine was good and made it easy and clear to identify the different sections to the magazine which made it much better for the customer to read, the layout of the front page was quite good where the secondary leads were placed round the image and the masthead I feel was placed in the correct positioning to it could be recognised.
            However there were still a few things I don’t feel went that well with my magazine a major point being the image on the front cover, secondly I think one of the fonts weren’t right for the magazine and finally where the secondary leads were placed I didn’t like and thought it made the magazine look very amateur. The image that was on the front cover had to be cropped to achieve a mid shot with direct mode of address which made the image extremely pixelated and has made the front cover also look really bad, also there is quite a light background behind the image so the secondary images have had to go round onto the background which has also made it look unprofessional. Also the font I used was very squiggly which made it look good but made it quite difficult to read.
            On my final magazine I am going to take these points into consideration and remember the points which made it look good and possibly use them and then take the other points which haven’t made the magazine as good and change them. So I will make sure the next picture is and proper mid shot which doesn’t need to be enlarged or anything so it doesn’t make it pixelated again, however I would probably try and take the picture of someone on a coloured/ neutral background or I would have to crop the background out of the image so it doesn’t make the secondary leads hard to read and then making it look amateur. I would possibly keep the colours or maybe change them around slightly to suit the magazine better, the layout would probably stay the same and the variety of choices and amount of choices would also stay. I will need to look and try new fonts to find one that would be more suitable for the magazine and ensure it won’t be difficult for the audience to read.

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planning of music magazine

Planning of magazine
Picture-for my magazine I was going to have a long shot or a wide shot of an artist or a new upcoming group.
-or a wide shot of the group
-possibly a mid shot of a just the artist themselves
Results of questionnaireQuestion  1------   9=male      5=female
Question  2------ 10to16=9         17to21=4      22to30=1
Question  3------ £0to£50=6        £51to£100=2      £101to£300=3     £301to£600=2     £601to£1000=0    £1001+=1
Question 4------- 0to2=9      3to5=5       6+=0
Question 5-------- NME= most popular
Question 6--------- images=10      interviews=11     reviews=11     adverts=3      articles=10
Question 7--------- R&B=7    Dance=8     Rap=3     Rock=5   classical=2    garage=4   house=8   electro=2    mixture=5      indie=3     Pop=1
Question 8-------- once a week=2     once a month=12      once a year=0
Question 9--------- just music=4     fashion=9    new technology=5      sport=6      news=2    horoscopes=0
Question 10-------- £1to£2=4     £3to£4=9     £5+=0
ExtraQuesiton 1------ Yes=13       No=0
Question 2------- R&B , House, garage
Question 3------- White,red,black,pink,blue,yellow
Question 4-------- Band, artist, mid shot, group photo, wide shot.
What the front cover will contain-Masthead (striking to grab readers attention)
-Primary image (take up a lot of the front cover of single artist or group)
-possibly secondary images of other stories which are in the magazine
-3 house colours which are striking and eye catching, appeals to both genres
Contents page (not in order)-new band review and interview (about the people on the front cover)
-photos of latest festival
-News on new festivals
-top charts
-News/rumours about artist or band.
-Latest Sports scores and news
-Fashion tips and what certain artists/bands have been wearing
-upcoming festivals
-review on new song artist/band released and interview
-competition to meet artist/band or win tickets for new festival
-articles on xfactor contestants
-Page on who is the best rapper voted by the public
Target audience-Both genders
-age between 13-26
-Socio economic=C2, D, E (not completely accurate due to some people earning more might want to still buy the magazine)
-Psychographics- mainstreamers

Purpose of magazine
-Advice (only in parts of the magazine)
Different fonts-Calibri (Body)
Algerian -Berlin Sans FB
Kunstler script
Wide latin
Possible colours-White, red, blue
-Blue, yellow, green
-Black, green, red
-White, red, black

Name for music magazine-Unique

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reader profile

Magazine reader profile
He is a middle to lower class working C2,D,E male aged between 13-26. The research we found showed us that the lower teenagers (13-17) are earning from £0-£1500 depending how well the part time job is, the salary there earning most just under £5 an hour and then how long there working for. Whilst the old ranging from 18-26 earning about £8000-£13000 again depending on the work they do where some of the research showed us some 23 year olds aren't earning a salary due them being unemployed. The research showed us that this male is likely to spend around £4 a month on music magazines.
When he was 13 he started listening to music because his friends were talking about it and felt he should start listening to be able to understand and participate in the conversations, he started to listen to music and then by 15 he had a strong passion for music and loved reading magazines about the industry and what's happening inside it. He found this drive and passion in music due to him following others who also had found this passion in music from other people. He is now a person who everyone seems to talk to about what type of new songs are out and what's all the news within. He started looking into magazines at first but couldn't find one with the different types of music he liked because they were all to specialised on one specific gender, after finding this magazine he can now into several different genders due to the mixture or music inside the magazine.
He is now 17 within a very keen interest still with music he has started buying new speakers and DJ decks where he can now listen to his own music and start mixing some of his own tracks  with a future career arising. He gets most of his music off of iTunes or CD's with sometimes a bit of illegal downloading to update on his iPod and then burn them onto vinyl disk or just uploads them onto a DJ mix software.
When not listening to music he does what most people this age group do he goes to parties and on is 18th has promised the first thing he'll do is hit the clubs. He likes to keep up to date with all the new fashion out and tries to always look his best to impress the girls with his unique and different dress style. He also likes to keep up to date with all the new sports scores mostly football which he watches sky sports to get this information, when he is not out as well he likes to stay communicated with his friends using social networking sites especially Facebook to talk and arrange things but also for people to listen to new songs he has found by reading this magazine. By accessing the internet or using the Facebook grow he can now get informed when the new released magazine is out which he gets straight away. Inside this magazine he can find everything he wants from his sport score to new fashion styles and new places where to shop as well as his constant update on all his music.

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vibe magazine analysis

Vibe magazine

Vibe is an American based magazine targeted young male and female readers who have an interest in urban and hip hop cultures with artists such as Snoop Gog, Eminem, Michael Jackson and Lil Wayne and Mariah Carey. The magazine is published once every 2-3 months and can only be bought as a subscription (minimum of 1 year) which would cost the customer only $9.95 customers can also sign up to a 2 year subscription with 12 issues included.
            The magazine is made by a famous American music conductor, record producer, film composer and television producer called Quincy Jones. It shut down in Summer 2009 but then was invested by Intermedia partners, a firm based in New York City which focuses on helping the company and then to grow the business. Intermedia Partners also owns Cine Latino a Spanish leading cable movie channel, Control room which is a leading digital producer and distributor of five live music performance acts. As well as them they own lots of other media and TV channel including Intermedia outdoors Inc., The sportsman Channel, Universal Sports, Uptown Media Group and Wapa- Intermedia Espanol Holdings. Vibe is a commercial magazine that just sells that media product for profit and to make money, Intermedia Producer have a big portfolio with lots of other media companies they have bought and improved, so they have used synergy, using other companies that Intermedia partners own they can advertise Vibe magazine form these TV and music channels. Due to Intermedia partners having an investment in the magazine they have advertised in world-wide in places like Spain where they have also got investments in Cine Latino so they can advertise it free as well. I havent found any evidence on them advertising on control room but again they have the investment to be able to advertise it freely and with the amount it distributes it could be quite successful. Advertising Vibe on companies they have invested in would be very beneficial because it gives them really good publicity but also they save huge amounts of money because they dont have to pay for advertising which is really expensive.  As you can see the print screen is of some of the companies advertised on vibe some of which are owned by Intermedia partners.
            Target audience
            The target audience for this magazine is for more a younger audience but it also appeals to people who are interested in the hip hop, urban music. The intended age group for this magazine is eighteen to thirty-four as stated on the website.  Vibe is also aimed at both genders so it's target audience is quite big which would potentially be much better for the magazine and company as they are attracting people on a much wider scale. I feel that the magazine could be aimed at more people from a poorer background in America that seem to be much more involved with hip hop and the different artists they have in the magazine, however there are still a lot of other people from different backgrounds that could find this magazine appealing. The socio economic category would be c1, c2, D and E.  Profile information on the website which said:
-Over 19million users per month and for psychographics it aimed at were for aspirers (people who wanted to succeed)

Textural Analysis

                The masthead is at the top of the magazine and is in bright red with different tints on a white/grey background which makes the name of the magazine easily identified, also the color for the masthead is quite a mixed sex color so appeals to both genders.   The primary image is of Eminem a very famous rapper from America, the photo is taken with him crossing his arms to make him look stronger and is pushing out his muscles with his hands to make me look tougher. The anchorage reads "Eminem comes clean" in big bold red letter allowing the reader to know what the primary lead is.  The unique selling point is the story about Eminem and how he claims he almost died due to drugs, they make the USP really stand out by first putting Eminem on the front and then bits of the writing which is associated with him including some of the drugs his been doing which could appeal to the reader so they would want to continue reading to find out more. They also make the font much bolder which stands out more to grab the reader to the most important story.  The camera shot is a medium shot Eminem this way the reader can easily see his face and realize it's someone that might appeal to them, they also use mode of address to make him look like his staring at the reader which could be used to persuade the customer to buy the magazine. The house style Vibe uses is very simple but also very effective the three main colors are red, grey and black. I feel that the black and grey are very neutral and quite plain boring colors and then they have used the red to emphasize the more important bits and to make it stand out from the other text, again the house styles they have used are mixed sex and neutral colors attracting both genders and getting more readers or a bigger range because it appeals to more people. They didn
t use any secondary images but they do use secondary leads around the main photo to try and tell the reader what other things there are in the magazine. The font is very simple and really easy to see. The language used on the front cover and throughout the whole magazine is very informal; they have used the word swagga which is quite a street slang word which could show us that the magazine is more appealing to that target audience.  In the magazine they have a couple of interviews with Usher and also Eminem, they also have a table of the best rappers, and some news on various other artists like T.I, Lil Wayne, and Jay Z etc. There is a huge section on new songs artists have released and some information about the song. There are several different sections in the magazine which are split up into News, Culture, Photos, Movies, music and blogs.  This helps the purpose as it is made to inform and entertain so the more sections with information will achieve this purpose.

Digital technology
                The magazine makes very good use of digital technology; it has a fully functional and interactive website with lots of information about upcoming magazines, subscriptions and all up to date news on songs and artists etc. On the website the user can click on different sections: news, music, movies/TV, photos, Vixen, Videos of Blogs, culture. When the website is accessed a video of the latest interview, latest news or an advert starts playing, also a slide show of pictures about some of the stories they are writing about.  There are also lots of different links on the side advertising other things on the website or other companies, some of which are other companies that Intermedia partners invested in so they advertise vibe on other companies and then advertise them on vibe so they each all have an equal share. There are still other companies which have advertised on the magazine
                The print screen below the home page is an example of one of the top stories they offer, as you can see they show lots information about the topic, but as well show lots of different photos about the person in the example Lil Wayne and about getting out in prison. There are much more top rated topic that readers can comment and view and also other stories that may not be as important but can still be accessed and read.
                The magazine advertises other website in which you can download latest songs, albums or other things from before a video is watched there is a short clip of an advert from another company that wants to advertise itself E.g. to buy the newest HTC.

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music magazine questionnaire


1.    What type of music would you like to hear about in the magazine?

2. What three main colours would you like on the magazine?

3. How often would you like the magazine to be published?
-once a week
-once a month
-once a year

4. Would you like the magazine to contain other things along with music?
-just music
-new technology

5. Would you like the magazine to contain lots of images?
-only a few

6. How much will you be prepared to pay for the magazine?

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Sixth form magazine front page

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my sixth form magazine contents page

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