

planning of music magazine

Planning of magazine
Picture-for my magazine I was going to have a long shot or a wide shot of an artist or a new upcoming group.
-or a wide shot of the group
-possibly a mid shot of a just the artist themselves
Results of questionnaireQuestion  1------   9=male      5=female
Question  2------ 10to16=9         17to21=4      22to30=1
Question  3------ £0to£50=6        £51to£100=2      £101to£300=3     £301to£600=2     £601to£1000=0    £1001+=1
Question 4------- 0to2=9      3to5=5       6+=0
Question 5-------- NME= most popular
Question 6--------- images=10      interviews=11     reviews=11     adverts=3      articles=10
Question 7--------- R&B=7    Dance=8     Rap=3     Rock=5   classical=2    garage=4   house=8   electro=2    mixture=5      indie=3     Pop=1
Question 8-------- once a week=2     once a month=12      once a year=0
Question 9--------- just music=4     fashion=9    new technology=5      sport=6      news=2    horoscopes=0
Question 10-------- £1to£2=4     £3to£4=9     £5+=0
ExtraQuesiton 1------ Yes=13       No=0
Question 2------- R&B , House, garage
Question 3------- White,red,black,pink,blue,yellow
Question 4-------- Band, artist, mid shot, group photo, wide shot.
What the front cover will contain-Masthead (striking to grab readers attention)
-Primary image (take up a lot of the front cover of single artist or group)
-possibly secondary images of other stories which are in the magazine
-3 house colours which are striking and eye catching, appeals to both genres
Contents page (not in order)-new band review and interview (about the people on the front cover)
-photos of latest festival
-News on new festivals
-top charts
-News/rumours about artist or band.
-Latest Sports scores and news
-Fashion tips and what certain artists/bands have been wearing
-upcoming festivals
-review on new song artist/band released and interview
-competition to meet artist/band or win tickets for new festival
-articles on xfactor contestants
-Page on who is the best rapper voted by the public
Target audience-Both genders
-age between 13-26
-Socio economic=C2, D, E (not completely accurate due to some people earning more might want to still buy the magazine)
-Psychographics- mainstreamers

Purpose of magazine
-Advice (only in parts of the magazine)
Different fonts-Calibri (Body)
Algerian -Berlin Sans FB
Kunstler script
Wide latin
Possible colours-White, red, blue
-Blue, yellow, green
-Black, green, red
-White, red, black

Name for music magazine-Unique

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