

My magazine analysis

My magazine analysis
            After finally finishing my magazine I have looked at it and found some things that went really well and other things that didn’t go well. I felt the things that went well or what I was happy with was the colours I used, the different variety of choices in the contents, I felt there was good and bad things on the font and the layout. I thought the colour that was used and the colour of the font complemented each other really well because of the different contrast and also made it easy to read. I think some of the font was good like the font I used on the contents telling the reader what to expect because it was bold and easy to read. Also I felt I had a good variety of different choice that would appeal to both genders but also the intended age for sixth formers. As well as that I felt my layout of the magazine was good and made it easy and clear to identify the different sections to the magazine which made it much better for the customer to read, the layout of the front page was quite good where the secondary leads were placed round the image and the masthead I feel was placed in the correct positioning to it could be recognised.
            However there were still a few things I don’t feel went that well with my magazine a major point being the image on the front cover, secondly I think one of the fonts weren’t right for the magazine and finally where the secondary leads were placed I didn’t like and thought it made the magazine look very amateur. The image that was on the front cover had to be cropped to achieve a mid shot with direct mode of address which made the image extremely pixelated and has made the front cover also look really bad, also there is quite a light background behind the image so the secondary images have had to go round onto the background which has also made it look unprofessional. Also the font I used was very squiggly which made it look good but made it quite difficult to read.
            On my final magazine I am going to take these points into consideration and remember the points which made it look good and possibly use them and then take the other points which haven’t made the magazine as good and change them. So I will make sure the next picture is and proper mid shot which doesn’t need to be enlarged or anything so it doesn’t make it pixelated again, however I would probably try and take the picture of someone on a coloured/ neutral background or I would have to crop the background out of the image so it doesn’t make the secondary leads hard to read and then making it look amateur. I would possibly keep the colours or maybe change them around slightly to suit the magazine better, the layout would probably stay the same and the variety of choices and amount of choices would also stay. I will need to look and try new fonts to find one that would be more suitable for the magazine and ensure it won’t be difficult for the audience to read.

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