

reader profile

Magazine reader profile
He is a middle to lower class working C2,D,E male aged between 13-26. The research we found showed us that the lower teenagers (13-17) are earning from £0-£1500 depending how well the part time job is, the salary there earning most just under £5 an hour and then how long there working for. Whilst the old ranging from 18-26 earning about £8000-£13000 again depending on the work they do where some of the research showed us some 23 year olds aren't earning a salary due them being unemployed. The research showed us that this male is likely to spend around £4 a month on music magazines.
When he was 13 he started listening to music because his friends were talking about it and felt he should start listening to be able to understand and participate in the conversations, he started to listen to music and then by 15 he had a strong passion for music and loved reading magazines about the industry and what's happening inside it. He found this drive and passion in music due to him following others who also had found this passion in music from other people. He is now a person who everyone seems to talk to about what type of new songs are out and what's all the news within. He started looking into magazines at first but couldn't find one with the different types of music he liked because they were all to specialised on one specific gender, after finding this magazine he can now into several different genders due to the mixture or music inside the magazine.
He is now 17 within a very keen interest still with music he has started buying new speakers and DJ decks where he can now listen to his own music and start mixing some of his own tracks  with a future career arising. He gets most of his music off of iTunes or CD's with sometimes a bit of illegal downloading to update on his iPod and then burn them onto vinyl disk or just uploads them onto a DJ mix software.
When not listening to music he does what most people this age group do he goes to parties and on is 18th has promised the first thing he'll do is hit the clubs. He likes to keep up to date with all the new fashion out and tries to always look his best to impress the girls with his unique and different dress style. He also likes to keep up to date with all the new sports scores mostly football which he watches sky sports to get this information, when he is not out as well he likes to stay communicated with his friends using social networking sites especially Facebook to talk and arrange things but also for people to listen to new songs he has found by reading this magazine. By accessing the internet or using the Facebook grow he can now get informed when the new released magazine is out which he gets straight away. Inside this magazine he can find everything he wants from his sport score to new fashion styles and new places where to shop as well as his constant update on all his music.

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Plan for 6th form magazine

Plan for 6th form magazine
-mid shot of group of students by the school all talking and engaging in a conversation
- a student participating in a school sport.
-A few students looking directly at the camera with a backdrop of the school.
Results of questionnaire-  Question 1- most people answered they wanted the sixth form magazine to contain school info, lots of images and news.
Question 2- the most popular answer was they read magazines for entertainment and information.
Question 3- The majority of people answered they wanted yes to colour and yes to images.
Question 4 everyone except one person wanted the magazine to have the magazine published once a month.
Question 5 There was a very mixed answer of how much they would be prepared to pay for the magazine ranging from nothing to £0.50 to £1.
What the front cover will contain. -Primary image
-Secondary images with secondary leads
-House colours
Contents page (not in order)-Photo shoot of results day
-Interview of someone
-Part time jobs, advice on CV’s and where to apply etc- pg 6
-Help on revision etc
-Latest sports scores with school and in professional leagues
-Advice on subjects to choose for A level, GCSE etc-
-Fashion tips including new clothes out and celebrity fashion
-Music charts
-Events coming up with school and in Brentwood
-Latest important news in the world and in school
-Competitions to win prizes e.g. vouchers for shops
-Gossip in celebrity world
-Information about the school e.g. average grades, lessons, new teachers etc.
Different texts-Calibri
Bauhaus 93
Edwardian script ITC
Monotype corsiva
Times new roman. Ideas for name-The weekly mez
-The meztroplitan intellect
-The potential
-The MEZ

Colours (only 3 can be chosen) -Blue (dark)

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Research for 6th form magazine

Research sixth form magazines
·         Go on internet and find sixth form magazines (e.g.
·         Has to be sixth form magazine! Could be college.
·         Has to be aimed at sixth formers but also written by sixth formers.
·         Looking for ideas to:  -content & style.

Market research
·         Short questionnaire given to sixth formers to find out about what they want from a sixth form magazine (e.g. lots of competitions, sport scores etc.)
·         Colour schemes
·         Price of magazine?? – if no price how will be funded e.g. advertising
·         Magazine to inform or explain

Sixth form magazines - * has information on certain students and achievements.
                                                *Different topics about the school e.g. sport, music etc.
                                                *Lots of images about that topic.
                                                * News on certain events coming up e.g. charity fundraising. - * Very bright attractive colours
                                                *includes some of the news which has happened
                                                *advertises mew products which have been released
                                                *some of the news around the school with images
                                                *has advise e.g. how to overcome A level exam stress.
                                                *Has up to date news on celebrities
                                                *A few entertaining questionnaires
                                                *Calendar with all latest events for that month. - *Introduction about the school
                                               *Information on school e.g.  Different events- young enterprise
                                               *about all the different lesson and information on them.
                                               *Information on the sixth form

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