

Plan for 6th form magazine

Plan for 6th form magazine
-mid shot of group of students by the school all talking and engaging in a conversation
- a student participating in a school sport.
-A few students looking directly at the camera with a backdrop of the school.
Results of questionnaire-  Question 1- most people answered they wanted the sixth form magazine to contain school info, lots of images and news.
Question 2- the most popular answer was they read magazines for entertainment and information.
Question 3- The majority of people answered they wanted yes to colour and yes to images.
Question 4 everyone except one person wanted the magazine to have the magazine published once a month.
Question 5 There was a very mixed answer of how much they would be prepared to pay for the magazine ranging from nothing to £0.50 to £1.
What the front cover will contain. -Primary image
-Secondary images with secondary leads
-House colours
Contents page (not in order)-Photo shoot of results day
-Interview of someone
-Part time jobs, advice on CV’s and where to apply etc- pg 6
-Help on revision etc
-Latest sports scores with school and in professional leagues
-Advice on subjects to choose for A level, GCSE etc-
-Fashion tips including new clothes out and celebrity fashion
-Music charts
-Events coming up with school and in Brentwood
-Latest important news in the world and in school
-Competitions to win prizes e.g. vouchers for shops
-Gossip in celebrity world
-Information about the school e.g. average grades, lessons, new teachers etc.
Different texts-Calibri
Bauhaus 93
Edwardian script ITC
Monotype corsiva
Times new roman. Ideas for name-The weekly mez
-The meztroplitan intellect
-The potential
-The MEZ

Colours (only 3 can be chosen) -Blue (dark)

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