

Research for 6th form magazine

Research sixth form magazines
·         Go on internet and find sixth form magazines (e.g.
·         Has to be sixth form magazine! Could be college.
·         Has to be aimed at sixth formers but also written by sixth formers.
·         Looking for ideas to:  -content & style.

Market research
·         Short questionnaire given to sixth formers to find out about what they want from a sixth form magazine (e.g. lots of competitions, sport scores etc.)
·         Colour schemes
·         Price of magazine?? – if no price how will be funded e.g. advertising
·         Magazine to inform or explain

Sixth form magazines - * has information on certain students and achievements.
                                                *Different topics about the school e.g. sport, music etc.
                                                *Lots of images about that topic.
                                                * News on certain events coming up e.g. charity fundraising. - * Very bright attractive colours
                                                *includes some of the news which has happened
                                                *advertises mew products which have been released
                                                *some of the news around the school with images
                                                *has advise e.g. how to overcome A level exam stress.
                                                *Has up to date news on celebrities
                                                *A few entertaining questionnaires
                                                *Calendar with all latest events for that month. - *Introduction about the school
                                               *Information on school e.g.  Different events- young enterprise
                                               *about all the different lesson and information on them.
                                               *Information on the sixth form

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