

Evaluation 7)-Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task (The School Magazine Task), What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To Full Product

From making my school magazine to making my music magazine my knowledge grew hugely. Whilst creating the school magazine I wasn't that great on the software, I only knew the most basic options to use which is why I felt my school magazine came out quite badly. However my knowledge grew and I learnt new tips and different things you could do on to create effects etc which is what made my music magazine look so much better. I learnt that how to make my magazine stand out and grab the readers attention by using special effects on fireworks e.g. drop shadow, inner glow to make it more striking. I didn't feel I learnt that much about layout in the contents page, however I did learn some things like to not make the editor letter to long, to add a few more photos and generally make it easier for the reader. Though the layout of my front page I learnt a lot like where to put that secondary leads and images, and where also put the primary images and leads to make it look most effective. My knowledge on taking photos vastly improved to I learnt how to not make them pixelated and how to use effects to make it look better, more attractive and more appealing for example changing colours, brightness and other different effects. As well as this I learnt that different, more interesting fonts, colours and effects like 3D make the magazine much more appealing and eye catching to the reader. Also picnik I had never used now I can edit photos easily being able to change colours, lighting, frames, sharpen the photo and lots of other amazing effects.
Overall my knowledge of the whole software and technology involved has improved massively, before I had a very amateur looking magazine, now I have a much more professional looking one which even starts to look like some real magazines. 

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