

Evaluation 7)-Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task (The School Magazine Task), What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To Full Product

From making my school magazine to making my music magazine my knowledge grew hugely. Whilst creating the school magazine I wasn't that great on the software, I only knew the most basic options to use which is why I felt my school magazine came out quite badly. However my knowledge grew and I learnt new tips and different things you could do on to create effects etc which is what made my music magazine look so much better. I learnt that how to make my magazine stand out and grab the readers attention by using special effects on fireworks e.g. drop shadow, inner glow to make it more striking. I didn't feel I learnt that much about layout in the contents page, however I did learn some things like to not make the editor letter to long, to add a few more photos and generally make it easier for the reader. Though the layout of my front page I learnt a lot like where to put that secondary leads and images, and where also put the primary images and leads to make it look most effective. My knowledge on taking photos vastly improved to I learnt how to not make them pixelated and how to use effects to make it look better, more attractive and more appealing for example changing colours, brightness and other different effects. As well as this I learnt that different, more interesting fonts, colours and effects like 3D make the magazine much more appealing and eye catching to the reader. Also picnik I had never used now I can edit photos easily being able to change colours, lighting, frames, sharpen the photo and lots of other amazing effects.
Overall my knowledge of the whole software and technology involved has improved massively, before I had a very amateur looking magazine, now I have a much more professional looking one which even starts to look like some real magazines. 

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Evaluation 6)-What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing This Product

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Evaluation 5)-How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience ?

Front Page

(Click on photo then hover the mouse over different parts of the magazine for notes)

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Contents Page

(Click on photo then hover the mouse over different parts of the magazine for notes)

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Double Page Spread

(Click on photo then hover the mouse over different parts of the magazine for notes)


What do you think of the magazine?
“I think it looks really professional almost like a real magazine!”
“I felt the magazine was really easy to understand, read and also looked brilliant”
“I loved the magazine especially the front page and contents page”.
What do you think of the front cover, contents page and double page spread layout?“I loved the layout of the front cover and double page spread, made the magazine really easy to read.”
“I felt the contents layout was not as good as the rest of the magazine.”
“I especially like the layout of the front page with the single photo on the front, looked really effective, maybe some adjustments to be made on the contents as it looks quite basic.”
Do you feel the colours used are appropriate for the magazine?“The colours are great throughout the magazine to be kept consistent.”
“The three colours used on the magazine red, black and white work really well together and look very effective.”
How do you feel about the different fonts I used throughout the magazine?“The font used on the masthead looks really effective and catches the reader’s attention”
“All the fonts work really well together, the only one I don’t like that much is the one of the contents which looks a bit dull and basic.”

“The font makes the magazine look very professional.”
Do you think the language on the double page spread is appropriate for the type of magazine it is?“I especially like the interview in the magazine, I like the way the language is very friendly and easy to read.”
“Really like the consistent use of the same type of language throughout the magazine.”
“The language is really effective and helps the reader to understand the type of great magazine it is”

What do you think about the images I have used through the magazine?“I loved the effects used on the images”
“Photo’s looked really good, only bad thing is there should be a wider variety of people in them.”
“The images taken for the magazine look amazing! They really grab the readers attention.”

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Evaluation 4)- Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product.

These would be the typical readers for my magazine they are both aged between 13-17 and attend sixth form/college. The magazine is for both sex’s male and female however there are slight hints of bias with more male photos being shown in the magazine.  The target audience for my magazine love listening to music and hearing stories about there favourite stars on new coming talent. The target audience don’t just have one favourite genre of music but like a mixture of different types. They are usually found with the newest songs out and constantly downloading and searching for new music. They occasionally attend performances by there most admired artist but 9/10 are usually seen at gigs and festivals e.g. V and Reading so they can several different acts e.g. Swedish House Mafia, Prodigy, Tinie Tempah, David Guetta instead of just one. Due to them still being in school some only have part time jobs which earns them a bit of money which they spend in their most liked shops e.g. Top Man/ Top Shop, All Saints etc, but also on music like new instruments or technology like iPods, or even on downloads. They always like to go out and be seen well dressed and fashionable by other people so when attending festivals they will always pack there favourite clothes to go in.

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Evaluation 3)-What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?

To distribute my magazine I have decided the best company would be IPC media, I have chose this company because they are the distributor of huge magazines like NME. Even though both of the magazines are completely different I feel this is why it would be best to be distributed here because there is a potential gap in the market for a new magazine.  The company is located in London which again is useful so they can all be distributed easily around the UK. I was going to use Harris Publications because they distributed a magazine called “XXL” this was very similar type of magazine to mine with the same music  and stories etc. However I decided against it because I felt that there would be to much competition and it possibly wouldn’t work that well, as well as this the company was based in America and only distributed around America.

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Evaluation 2)-How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups

When taking my photos for my magazine I used vibe slightly to help me,  both are posing in the same way. However the different shots I have taken are different where vibe has used a much closer shot and has focused a lot on the face I decided to taken the photo further away so I can add props and give it a better effect. The musician in my magazine has a much more serious/posing expression where the vibe magazine have used a much more cheerful expression. Both of the musicians are wearing very smart clothes in the photos, TI wearing a tuxedo open to look more casual but still smart and then my musician is wearing very formal clothes to make him look smart. As you can see in both of the photos they are similar background both very plain and neutral which allowed me to fit all the text round it easier.  Overall I think that both of the photos are quite similar but there are noticeable changes that make my magazine suit the audience more appropriately , they are all normal people in my magazine which represents a normal young social group which like an enjoy music magazines and reading about everything happening in the music industry.

Comparison of photos
<<< professional photo's
photo's taken by me >>>>>>>

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Evaluation 1)-In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products?

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Final Versions

Below are my final versions for my music magazine "Replay" it contains the front cover, contents page and double page spread

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Planning for double page spread

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Planning for contents

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Planning for front page

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