

Double Page Spread

(Click on photo then hover the mouse over different parts of the magazine for notes)


What do you think of the magazine?
“I think it looks really professional almost like a real magazine!”
“I felt the magazine was really easy to understand, read and also looked brilliant”
“I loved the magazine especially the front page and contents page”.
What do you think of the front cover, contents page and double page spread layout?“I loved the layout of the front cover and double page spread, made the magazine really easy to read.”
“I felt the contents layout was not as good as the rest of the magazine.”
“I especially like the layout of the front page with the single photo on the front, looked really effective, maybe some adjustments to be made on the contents as it looks quite basic.”
Do you feel the colours used are appropriate for the magazine?“The colours are great throughout the magazine to be kept consistent.”
“The three colours used on the magazine red, black and white work really well together and look very effective.”
How do you feel about the different fonts I used throughout the magazine?“The font used on the masthead looks really effective and catches the reader’s attention”
“All the fonts work really well together, the only one I don’t like that much is the one of the contents which looks a bit dull and basic.”

“The font makes the magazine look very professional.”
Do you think the language on the double page spread is appropriate for the type of magazine it is?“I especially like the interview in the magazine, I like the way the language is very friendly and easy to read.”
“Really like the consistent use of the same type of language throughout the magazine.”
“The language is really effective and helps the reader to understand the type of great magazine it is”

What do you think about the images I have used through the magazine?“I loved the effects used on the images”
“Photo’s looked really good, only bad thing is there should be a wider variety of people in them.”
“The images taken for the magazine look amazing! They really grab the readers attention.”

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